
April 5, 2024

Meet the donors

Just as a single spark can ignite a roaring flame, philanthropy is the catalyst that starts something special at UCalgary. Meet the donors who are sparking positive change by empowering students, advancing research, driving innovation and more

For many 禁漫天堂 supporters, Giving Day is prime time to donate, with matching funds making their gift go twice as far. As we prepare for this year鈥檚 campaign (returning April 18), get to know a few of your fellow donors who make the most of Giving Day.聽

portrait of a man in a suit

Courtesy Ian Minnifee

Ian Minnifee

In various membership capacities at UCalgary 鈥斅燙hancellor鈥檚 Circle, UCalgary Alumni Association board of directors, Senate 鈥斅營an Minnifee, BA鈥94, has contributed countless hours of volunteer time.

And he鈥檚 also generous on Giving Day, helping to support three funds last year, alone 鈥 Students鈥 Greatest Needs, Dinos men鈥檚 basketball awards and the Faculty of Social Work鈥檚 practicum grant for travel to Tanzania.

鈥淚鈥檝e been fortunate to meet a lot of very influential and successful Calgarians and have watched them assess where they might want to invest some of their hard-earned dollars,鈥 says Minnifee, naming Richard Haskayne, Hon. LLD鈥97; Geoffrey Cumming, BA鈥74, LLD鈥16; and David Werklund, Hon. LLD鈥12.聽

鈥淚 look at their faith, their interest in supporting this institution, and say, 鈥榃ell, they鈥檝e done their due diligence, and they believe in this institution like I do.鈥 That鈥檚 a reason that I鈥檝e contributed. I鈥檝e seen the impact this institution has on our city, our province and country.鈥

woman holding a certificate folder

Courtesy Leanne Wu

Leanne Wu

Giving to UCalgary just makes sense, says Dr. Leanne Wu, BSc鈥03, MSc鈥10, PhD鈥20, who鈥檚 built a strong connection to the institution.

鈥淭he university has just gotten its hooks into me,鈥 says Wu, assistant professor (teaching) in the Department of Computer Science in the Faculty of Science.聽

鈥溄焯 really given me my career in different incarnations. Even when I was (working off-campus) in industry, that resulted directly from an internship. A lot of my identity is really wrapped up in what the university is now, so giving is a chance to pay it forward.鈥

A regular contributor on Giving Day, Wu remembers her first donation 鈥斅燼 2017 gift in the name of Susan Lucas, a retiring departmental administrator. 鈥淛ust to note her remarkable career; she made a real difference to so many people,鈥 says Wu.

And Wu continues to show her support: 鈥淚 like thinking that we鈥檙e making a difference for students in different ways.鈥

man in a suit sitting at a desk, smiling for the camera

Paul Wyke

David Holub

In David Holub鈥檚 mind, education is essential. After attending UCalgary, majoring in geology, he went to law school at Osgoode Hall, then earned his master鈥檚 degree at the London School of Economics. He has taught conflict resolution at Mount Royal University for more than 30 years, along with business law at UCalgary and a variety of continuing-education courses for organizations ranging from the public school system to The City of Calgary.

鈥淓ducation has always been very important to me, as it has and continues to be one of the most important ways that we can transform our world,鈥 says Holub, BSc鈥85.聽

鈥淧ersonal education, development and growth are empowering, and that is why it resonates so strongly with me to give to an institution like UCalgary.鈥

A member of the UCalgary Senate since 2019, Holub shows his appreciation every year on Giving Day 鈥 and it is more than the event鈥檚 gift-matching potential that appeals to him. 鈥淚 believe that Giving Day clearly demonstrates the power of collective acts of giving,鈥 he says.

woman in a suit stands in an open, windowed room, smiling for the camera

Courtesy Heather Smith-Watkins

Heather Smith-Watkins

While working in the Fine Arts department of the Faculty of Arts, Heather Smith-Watkins, BCC鈥10, and her colleagues hatched a plan 鈥 selling handcrafted goods, such as jewelry, knitted hats and scarves, at the annual holiday sale to raise money for student scholarships. Their first attempt, 15 years ago, generated $600 鈥 and its popularity grew from there.

Smith-Watkins retired in 2019, 鈥淎nd I thought that was the end of it.鈥 However, she returned to UCalgary 鈥 this time filling a role at the Haskayne School of Business 鈥 and naturally resurrected the crafts sale. Thanks to a suggestion from Pamela Aranas, Haskayne鈥檚 associate director of development and alumni engagement, she started making her contributions to Haskayne鈥檚 impact fund on Giving Day to take advantage of the gift-matching opportunity.

鈥淪tudents always need money and we are always looking for ways to support student success. This is my small contribution to that cause.鈥

Elaine McKiel

Courtesy Elaine McKiel

Elaine McKiel

Dr. Elaine McKiel, PhD, began teaching at 禁漫天堂 Faculty of Nursing in 1981. By the time she retired in 2008, she had enjoyed a wonderful career, which included work at 禁漫天堂 Qatar campus. 鈥淭o that extent, I feel some obligation to pay back the university for the opportunities,鈥 she says. 鈥淭he 禁漫天堂 was good to me, so now I want to be good to the university.鈥

McKiel has accomplished that by staying connected 鈥 she鈥檚 in her fourth year on the executive board of the 禁漫天堂 Retirees Association 鈥 and by mentoring nursing students. And every Giving Day, she supports the Holy Cross School of Nursing Alumni Bursary聽and the Retirees Association Award for Indigenous Students.

鈥淚 grew up valuing education. But, once you go to university, you realize that education is not free. It costs money. So, it鈥檚 important to support education.鈥

a man in a suit stands in an open, windowed room, smiling for the camera

Courtesy Thomas Lui

Thomas Lui

For Thomas Lui, BComm鈥06, giving to UCalgary comes in a couple of forms. On a regular basis, he makes donations. And, as he did during his undergraduate days, he offers his time to the school.

鈥淲hether it鈥檚 hours or dollars, it鈥檚 currency. I see them interchangeably 鈥 just being able to help. It shows how important the cause is.鈥

These days, Lui volunteers with the Management Advisory Council of the Haskayne School of Business. 鈥淚t鈥檚 interesting now to be in a position to provide insight and experience as we shape the next generation,鈥 he says.

To financially show support, Lui appreciates Giving Day, taking advantage of the gift-matching opportunity for three straight years. 鈥淏eing an accountant at heart 鈥斅燼nd knowing your dollar gets stretched further 鈥斅爋bviously helps,鈥 says Lui, adding that the awareness surrounding Giving Day helps to ensure his contributions. 鈥淭he intention is always there, and Giving Day focuses that commitment.鈥

Just as a single spark can ignite a roaring flame, philanthropy is the catalyst that starts something special at the 禁漫天堂. about the difference we鈥檙e making in the community and around the world with the support of donors like you.

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